Sunday, October 16, 2011


Wow-----woke up to sunshine and 30 degrees completely blue.  Got off to a latish start and left the house at 10:00.  Walked into the market square, which is about a five minute walk from our place, and picked up a bagel for 50 cents that we shared.  Bagels here aren't like the ones we get at home.  They're larger in diameter and skinnier than we're used to.  My brother would be in hog heaven...........  There was some music playing in the square, a small jazz band that sounded wonderful.  It seemed that everybody from here and the outlying areas came to town today to enjoy the sunshine.  It was absolutely gorgeous when you were in it and quite a bit cooler when you weren't.  Walked around for most of the morning, and headed to the old Jewish quarter, which to be honest wasn't what I was expecting.  Had lunch in a jewish restaurant, matzoh ball soup, and what they called perogis, which were actually more like a knish-------but different than what i learned to make from my mom.  Went to a market there but, not quite what we're expecting.  Lot' of clothes but no food.............dissapointing compared to other European markets we've been to.  We like to pick up things to eat and take them back to reheat and enjoy.  Not today.

So we head back to the market square, and donna spies a food shop that looks suspect to me.  When you see a guard inside a food shop, you expect the prices to match that fact, it's really reasonable, and we pick up a jar of zurek soup mix, which is actually a sour soup, that we've both had and really liked.  The girl in the store, called Kradowski Kredens, says that it goes really well with a kielbasa, that looks a lot like a veal bockwurst, so we go ahead and grab a couple to take back and cook.  We also pick up some dried sausages, the like of which you've never tasted.  The crispy casing and the great tooth of the meat is amazing  The total cost works out to be around eight dollars.  On the way back we stop and pick up a bottle of Tokai wine from hungary, amazing for 8 dollars, and some desert---------they have the best cheescake in the world here.  Donna's cooking as I write this so goodbye for now........

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