Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If you think traffic is bad in your neck of the woods............

Left Gdansk at 9:00 for a 200 mile drive to Warsaw.  Google said it would take about 5 hours, as the new motorway isn't open yet.  (They're working on it though!)  They're getting a load of EU funding to develop infrastructure---you see the signs everywhere.  So, the old roads are two lanes, and move along pretty well. Unless they happen to be building a a motorway the side of the two lane road you're driving on.  The grooves in the old road pretty much keep your tires in line, but if you venture out of them, it's like hitting wake turbulence from a 747.  It moves you around---quickly.  the driving here in Poland really reminds me of driving in Spain.  Signs and lines are there only for decoration.  Double yellow---no problem.  The car coming the other way will swerve in time.........Stopped in Torun for a quick bite.  It was an hour and a half out of the way, but supposed to be cool.  It seemed ok, but i don't think we'd stop there again.  Left there, and headed for Warsaw.  (For those of you on the know, Emily has been quite sick since we left Germany, and isn't functioning in Eastern Europe at all.)

And as it turns out, my rain allergies are starting again.  Poured today---heavy, heavy rain.  As we're driving into Warsaw.  Now Warsaw has no city bypass----you go through the city, and since we hit it at 5:00 pm sharp, it was miserable.  Took us two hours to find the hotel, without a city map.  Stopped into the Sofitel, and the concierge was kind enough to show me on a map that we were only about four blocks away.  I'm taking her a box of candy tomorrow.....................

Hotel room is huge and really nice, (though Donna suggests that the original artwork on the wall leaves you with a creepy feeling that someone is watching..........)  Check out the pictures on her facebook sight :)

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