Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Krakow 2

Woke again to sunny skies and cool temperatures.  Our plan for the day was to just truck around this city and look for gems we hadn't seen yet.  We found them.  They're filming two movies, one on the next street that we watched for a while after dinner last night, where they lit the street to look like daylight, and another we saw today, being filmed by an Indian production company.   Bollywood goes Polish?  Lot's of guys dressed up in white and black camos holding rifles.............
Did the Jewish quarter today once again and found the most beautiful temple weve ever seen.  Glass that glowed, gilt that shined, and of course, two brats running wild.  It was spectacular.  Glad we went back as it more than made up for my initial dissapointment.  Afterward we went to Wavel Castle, and spent four hours there.  Went through two areas, the Treasuery and state apartments where we didn't need a guide.  Had an hour to kill before our guided tour of the Royal apartments, so had a coffee and soaked up the sun---must have been 60 degrees.  Went to the tour and our guide, Anna, was incredible!  Knew every bit of the history and made the hour one of the most enjoyable we have ever spent on a tour.  We'd both reccomend this place, the people are great, friendly and warm.  What a city!

Tomorrow we 're heading out at 9:00am and going to Auschwitz, which I have very mixed feelings about, but realize that we must go.  Never forget.  Afterwards we're heading to the Czech border, in a mountainous area where we'll spend the night before going to Prague on Thursday.

Donna shared a poem with me today for the New Yorker that was here in the apartment, which made me think...........  by W.S. Merwin


going too fast for myself I missed
more than I think I can remember

almost everything it seems sometimes
and yet there are chances that come back

that I did not notice when they stood
where I could have reached out and touched them

this morning the black shepherd dog
still young looking and saying

Are you ready this time

1 comment:

  1. it must be 70 here, took Julia to the water, she still won't go in past her ankles.
